Man, That Dude Can't Sing!
Here is yet another question asked of me about singing that I rank in my top five questions of all time. I have to admit, the answer to this one can be tricky. “Brent, seriously, if someone walks into your voice studio and they just can’t sing, what do you tell them?”
The Classical Teachers Conundrum
Classical singing is where I started my vocal journey and I have a deep and fond respect for it’s intricate styling and sheer essence of audible beauty. Any opera singer out there will tell you that strict and proper training on vocal technique and an understanding of the human voice are both essential in singing in the classical style. Without the knowledge of these basic elements, singing classical music can be down right destructive to a singer’s voice.
That Really Tips Me Off
Whenever I start voice lessons with a new student I think it’s important that they understand the difference between studying with me and studying with other vocal teachers
The Sick Singers Survival Guide
I’ve recently had a bad cold. I get one of these about every five years. It’s not your average, run of the mill, runny nose, sneezy, mildly congested kind of cold. No, this is the Mother Of Colds.